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Easy Organic Gardening ... Ha

Due to the high popularity of a post titled "Organic garden by default" over at my old and somewhat obsolete and rarely updated blog, I would like to share some of what was in that post over here at Idealist Cafe.

I had been inspired to initially write the post by a trip back to Connecticut to visit my mother last year. She has a nice size yard, just a little over 3 acres, and over the years has had some very nice gardens. While she does still grow some vegetables, many of the areas of garden has just sort of taken on a life of their own. By this I mean they are plants that were planted many years ago, and now require very little upkeep. Also, she doesn't use any fertilizers, pesticides, or chemicals, if anything at all she just amends the soil using compost.

organic apple treeIn a yard like this she has so many possibilities, now seen even more so through the eyes of someone who has lived in tiny little apartments with little or no yard here in San Diego. She has an apple tree that is probably 15 years old, and never gets watered and hasn't been pruned in at least 10 years. But it grows apples by the dozen, though they are not of the greatest quality. However with a little work it could probably supply organic apples for the neighborhood for the entire summer.

Along the side of the driveway there are wild grapes growing all over, as well as wild blueberries. The grapes are sub par, but could probably be used for something with a little bit of work. The blueberries on the other hand are amazing.

large organic basil plantHere is a photo of a basil plant that she rarely touches, yet has somehow grown to a size I have never been able to achieve at my own hand. This plant also is completely organic. I am just amazed at the potential of a yard like this. While most of these are perennial plants, the others she just plants and then leaves unattended for the most part until the time of harvest. She grows tomatoes, pumpkins, and squash, and all without any attention on her part, just plants them, then leaves them. No watering except for the potted plants, no fertilizers except all the old stuff that has been left from previous years and has naturally been composted. Some days I wish I could just reign in that potential, creating a little lucrative side business selling grapes for wine making, fresh blueberries, pumpkins, salsas, apples, and the list goes on!

Here are a few more photos to enjoy...

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