Long Walks and Inspiration

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A few weeks ago I came across this video on YouTube, which I've posted below. It's a video made by a guy named Christoph Rehage from Germany who had the goal to walk from Beijing to Germany. From the looks of his blog, The Longest Way, it looks like currently he is not walking, but is at university. Also, it doesn't appear that he has completed the entire trip just yet, but walking over 4000KM is quite a feat none the less.

Here on Idealist Cafe I would like to start profiling inspirational blogs and websites, so if you have one or know of one, feel post in the comments or email me. I would love to hear about any journeys or adventures that are outside of the box and are inspirational. They don't have to necessarily be about pushing physical limits, as I am also interested in stories that create a greater connection with humanity or show what is possible if only we follow our dreams.

Enjoy the video. (If video doesn't show up, you're probably reading from a feed and need to visit the page.)

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Abundance, Inspiration, and a new favorite quote

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I am a frequent reader of Chris Guillebeau over at The Art of Non Comformity. He seems to be a good guy and have some great advice on unconventional life strategies. I read enough, actually maybe too much, about personal development and non conventional living, so sometimes I just skim a lot of these articles. I am at a point in my life where I know what I need to know to make a change, now it's up to me to finally put into action what I have been reading for the past few years. For some reason I just can't seem to get over the invisible hump I am facing. There are times when I am flowing with ideas, inspiration, and creativity, yet at other times I get down on myself and wonder what the heck I am doing. During these times, the inspiration fades and I find myself cursing these people whos websites I follow, wondering how they've made it happen while I seem to be running in place.

Anyway, when I read this latest post over at The Art of Non Comformity, it was truly inspirational to me. It was the first time in reading his blog that he shared a lot the struggles he's been having as of late. Not that I am happy he is struggling and second guessing himself, but seeing someone who in my eyes has been rather successful strugglimg with issues tht are similiar to what I and we all face each day makes him a bit more of an inspiration. So head over there and check him out.

Also, a new motto to live by?

I just finished reading Ayn Rand's We The Living, which lead me to do some research about Rand herself. During that time I stumbled onto a quote of hers which I'd like to make me new motto.

The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me.

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Behavior, society, and loneliness

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I am by nature a shy and reserved person. People who I know at home know this about me. In the past when I have traveled away from my home, whether for a weekend road trip or for a jaunt overseas, I find that I am much more outgoing, and many of my inhibitions I carry at home are stripped away. I have often tried to make sense of this, wondering why I suddenly get this new ability to socialize and step over boundaries that would often stop me while in my normal bubble of "real life". It was so noticeable that during a trip to England in college my friends started calling me "International Russ". They saw this new uninhibited side of me and my seemingly newfound ability to be social and draw people close.

After returning home from these trips, I always try to maintain this new attitude, but it always seems to fade. I have often wondered why this is, why it is that I have inhibitions at home though not on the road. In applying normal logic it seems that if I can behave one way while in one place, I should be able to behave the same while at home. I think everyone knows that it is easy to let loose vacations or during travel. The conclusion I had come to was that while home there are certain behaviors we all have, behaviors that people have come to expect of us based on who they know us to be, and if we stray from those there are consequences. The consequences may be tiny or they may be more significant.

I am straying from my topic here, but my point is basically that while we are home and in our daily routine, we in a way have become victims of our past actions and have created a perception of ourselves that people come to associate with us. And while traveling, all this is stripped away, and there are no prolonged consequences of changes or deviations from our normal behavior. This may or not make sense to you, but what prompted it was this article that Wade of Vagabond Journey had wrote earlier.

Here is an excerpt:

"You can start up conversations with dozens of people a day when wandering and not a single one of them has any inherent consequence. If you talk to someone and find that they do not understand what you are saying, then you can just move onto another person. If you make a friend and realize that you do not like him then you can just leave. If you find that you are in a setting which prohibits conversation then you have a full range of options to change it. When traveling you are essentially outside of the box of all convention - you are in a land of little social consequence. You can say anything to almost anyone and it does not really matter."

And more:

"You are a traveler, you can do or say anything to anyone and there are little social consequences. The traveler is the ultimate social wildcard, you can go between all classes and sects of a culture equally, as there are no boxes to put you in."

I think that addresses the root of what I am talking about. I also realize that it doesn't have to be this way, that my inhibitions while home are a result of fear, apprehension, and social conditioning.

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A rare dabble in poetry - Today I Will

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I don't know why, but a few weeks ago I just sort of jotted this down while I was at work, and I've just recently dug it up and figured I should share it.

i will be firm,
i will stand for what i believe in,
i will not be fearful,
i will not back down,
i will speak my mind when someone doubts or questions me,
i will be responsible to myself,
i will live for myself

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Why do people settle?

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This question is often on my mind, and can be interpreted in many ways. What I mean when I ask myself this is why do we settle for mediocrity when it comes to jobs, relationships, or even the life we lead in general? There are many reasons for all of us, I know I do it as well, and my reasons are probably similar to most. When I think of settling in my own life, I think I mostly about my career and my lifestyle.

For a long time, pretty much since I've been out of college, I've never been fulfilled by my jobs, nor have I been fulfilled with my daily life. Is it bad, am I unhappy? No, most days I am happy and most days I have nothing to complain about. Is my life better than most people's? I would say yes. However, do I feel that I am living up to my potential? No I don't. And do I feel like each day could be just a little bit better if it were different? Yes I do.

Mediocrity. I suppose like most people I am guilty of settling for it. I have these weird introspective moments very often, where I see myself in a life that is truly amazing, where I am making a difference in the world, getting to fulfill my dream of experiencing other places and cultures, and most importantly, living each day to the fullest and not "wasting" time working for someone doing something that doesn't bring me pleasure.

So why haven't I made the jump to this life that I often dream of? I can't pinpoint it exactly, but I believe that there are several reasons. The first being uncertainty, and the second fear, both of the unknown and also of what people will think if I make a drastic change.

Uncertainty is a given. When you have a job and a certain way of life there is security, whether it is in a regular paycheck and benefits, or in a routine that has become comfortable. To get past this you need to realize that with any change there is uncertainty. And likely, prior to getting into the position you are in, there was uncertainty before it as well. The second, fear is a little more personal. Everyone may have a different fear. For me part of the fear is of the unknown; "what will happen when I make a change, what will happen, and will the result be worth it?". The other part of fear I suppose is breaking a societal norm. Again in my case of career choice, I have ended up where I am because I studied in college and created this path. If I suddenly break from it, I will be breaking for the traditional "ladder approach" to life that most people take. Starting at one position and slowly and steadily moving upward. A drastic career change or change of lifestyle breaks this approach, and in addition to causing you to be unsure, can also cause other people to question your motives and try to keep you "in line."

So what is the solution to ensure that you don't settle in your life? It is different for everyone, you have to first figure out where and why you are settling, and then make a decision to change.

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