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Abundance, Inspiration, and a new favorite quote

I am a frequent reader of Chris Guillebeau over at The Art of Non Comformity. He seems to be a good guy and have some great advice on unconventional life strategies. I read enough, actually maybe too much, about personal development and non conventional living, so sometimes I just skim a lot of these articles. I am at a point in my life where I know what I need to know to make a change, now it's up to me to finally put into action what I have been reading for the past few years. For some reason I just can't seem to get over the invisible hump I am facing. There are times when I am flowing with ideas, inspiration, and creativity, yet at other times I get down on myself and wonder what the heck I am doing. During these times, the inspiration fades and I find myself cursing these people whos websites I follow, wondering how they've made it happen while I seem to be running in place.

Anyway, when I read this latest post over at The Art of Non Comformity, it was truly inspirational to me. It was the first time in reading his blog that he shared a lot the struggles he's been having as of late. Not that I am happy he is struggling and second guessing himself, but seeing someone who in my eyes has been rather successful strugglimg with issues tht are similiar to what I and we all face each day makes him a bit more of an inspiration. So head over there and check him out.

Also, a new motto to live by?

I just finished reading Ayn Rand's We The Living, which lead me to do some research about Rand herself. During that time I stumbled onto a quote of hers which I'd like to make me new motto.

The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me.

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