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Joaquin Phoenix and my confession that I do sometimes follow Hollywood gossip

I'm not normally one to go for celebrity or Hollywood gossip, and obviously this doesn't quite go along with the theme of this website, but seriously this whole Joaquin Phoenix thing is really intriguing to me. If you haven't heard about it, just do a couple of google searches and then come back.

So the theories circulating are that 1) he is having a breakdown of sorts and really thinks he is pursuing a career as a rapper or that 2) he is doing this all as a mockumentary about actors who lose it and go on a downward spiral and/or actors who try to make a transition into music.

I'm leading towards believing the second for several reasons. I've read about his total immersion acting techniques, and also his brother in law Casey Affleck has been there the whole time filming his antics. I would think that if he actually was losing it that Casey would maybe lend a hand rather than film the demise. And also, well, quite honestly I think acting crazy for a year in the name of making a documentary about acting crazy is far more more interesting than actors who really do go off the deep end. Those types already seem to be a dime a dozen in Hollywood.

Either way, it's been sort of interesting to follow the whole thing. I'll be curious what comes of it.

What do you think?

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Blogger Grace said...

As far as we (the "masses", haha) can see, there wasn't any one major event that would have triggered his complete about face. It seems to me that everything he has done since his dramatic announcement that he's done with acting forever could be construed as attention-seeking. I'm in camp #2 - I feel like he's playing a long, elaborate trick on the rest of us. Especially if Casey Affleck is involved! But who knows?

3/25/2009 6:46 AM  

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